We are very fortunate to have this site. I've learned so much here and continue to learn on a daily basis. I remember as a kid my grandfather always saying "you learn something new everyday." He's absolutely right when it comes to this forum especially.
Though some of us here tend to come off as ruff and gruff, just know that many of the "long timers" here didn't have this forum and had to work hard and learn through trials and tribulations what most newbies are lucky enough to be handed on a silver platter.
The orange search button is your best friend. Before posting, perform due diligence. Investigate whether or not it's already been answered. It's very frustrating (especially to many longtimers that have provided the answers over, and over, and over...you get it) when once a week or so the same exact question is asked over and over...you get it...lol
A sense of entitlement has no place here. Saks 5th Avenue would not go to Neiman Marcus to ask how to start/run their business, where to get clients or what they should charge for their products (services). Keep in mind that this is a very competitive business you have made a choice to undertake. Besides, all those answers can be found with the Orange Search button. Very importantly do not undercut or defame this industry by pricing yourself so low as not to be able to maintain a viable business. Very rarely will I go below $XXX. Don't believe these lowballing companies (thieves) that try to tell you it's too much. They just want to make as much off you as possible. If you're gullible, ignorant, desperate enough to do so, then don't waste your time and don't ruin this industry. It's getting worse and worse with these companies. If they don't want to raise their prices, why should we have to give them part of OUR pay.
Go to the Signing Central tab. That's where you'll find companies. Try to stay away from the companies that are 3 1/2 stars or lower. I don't consciously work for anything under 4 stars. The others have low ratings FOR A REASON! Give them the benefit of a doubt and chances are you'll get...well, um, ugh, (sc******d). And if you do, by all means PLEASE come on and let us know. Though you may get slammed, many will appreciate you having to learn the lesson rather than them. After all, you've already been forewarned.
Okay, okay, so I probably offered WAY more info than you inquired about, but many times people come on and end up getting slammed. Just trying to deter you from getting your feelings hurt right off the bat.
Please know that when I say YOU, it is meant in the third person to everyone new to Notary Rotary. It is nothing personal to the poster.
Welcome to you and wishing you much success in the business.
Warmly, Cheryl |