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Re: To Barb25
Posted by Raimond_CA of CA on 2/4/06 11:11am Msg #94227
Not totally sure on this one, but isn't the $ to be reported when earned and not when paid?

That is the way Quickbooks reports for me. This is my first year of reporting self employment.
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Messages in this Thread
 Notarize this! (Wildomar, CA) the last update, I Hope! - Barb25 on 2/4/06 10:32am
 Re: To Barb25 -  LkArrowhd/CA on 2/4/06 10:49am
 Re: To Barb25 - Raimond_CA on 2/4/06 11:11am
 Re: To Raimond_CA - Art_MD on 2/4/06 11:47am
 Re: To Raimond_CA - Raimond_CA on 2/4/06 11:54am
 Re: To Raimond_CA - Tax Questions??? Search, search... - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 3:44pm
 Re: To Raimond_CA - Oops...please excuse the ring... - BrendaTx on 2/5/06 3:47pm
 Re: To Barb25 - Barb25 on 2/4/06 11:56am
 Re: To Barb25 - Barb25 on 2/4/06 11:55am
 Re: To Barb25 - LauriecPA on 2/4/06 12:05pm
 Re: To Barb25 - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 3:59pm
 Re: To Barb25 - Glenn Strickler on 2/4/06 12:39pm
 The infamous Notarize This! (Wildomar) sends one more email! - Barb25 on 2/4/06 1:39pm
 I got one too! - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 4:33pm
 Dear CaliNotary - Barb25 on 2/4/06 4:52pm
 Re: Dear CaliNotary - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 8:44pm
 2 sides to every story... - Ricardo Riojas on 2/4/06 5:46pm
 I though I was through with this but I guess Not! - Barb25 on 2/4/06 6:11pm
 Re: 2 sides to every story... - Mr_Fantastic on 2/5/06 1:12am
 Re: Notarize this! (Wildomar, CA) the last update, I Hope! -  LkArrowhd/CA on 2/4/06 12:37pm

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