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You must've missed the news...
Posted by  Shane_OH of OH on 2/4/06 11:03pm Msg #94430
Ameriquest just recently settled a $350 million dollar lawsuit, affecting their business and attorney's general in 49 states....

And they are far from bankrupt....still clicking ahead.

Not sure what it could be, as all of the states have pretty much signed off against further action against them thru last week? or the week before is when it was settled.
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Messages in this Thread
 Notarial Protest & Ameriquest... - Notary_MA on 2/4/06 5:47pm
 Re: Notarial Protest & Ameriquest... - Anonymous on 2/4/06 5:53pm
 Which States are suing (or will be) Ameriquest???? n/m - Notary_MA on 2/4/06 6:20pm
 Re: Notarial Protest & Ameriquest... - CaliNotary on 2/4/06 7:53pm
 Exactly my point ! CaliNotary!! nm - Anonymous on 2/4/06 8:17pm
 You must've missed the news... -  Shane_OH on 2/4/06 11:03pm
 RE: You must've missed the news... - Notary_MA on 2/4/06 11:18pm
 Ameriquest has money! - Allison_Mich on 2/6/06 8:01am

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