The more felixible you are the possibility of getting more assignements. Some companies give you several days notice, some a few hours, and even some a few minutes. The only time restriction I give is to have the eDocs at least 1 hour before I have to leave for the closing (which can change a little depending on how far I have to travel). I explain that if I do not receive them by such and such a time, it may result in a rescheduled signing. I always try to accomodate it in the same day, but I let them know if I have another assignement which may mean I won't be able to do it until the next day. Docs come late frequently. It doesn't matter if they are edocs or over nighted...they can still be late.
Also, as Mr. Fantastic stated, it is really up to you and how you want to run your business. Good luck!
-Melissa |