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Posted by MA_SA of MA on 5/6/06 4:41pm Msg #118137
Ok, Let me just say that I am totally sick of MTA's and mortgage brokers not explaining what they are until the borrower is at the closing and asking me why thier payment is so low, and me telling them that interest gets back loaded onto thier principal balance. Look, its a good program to be in if you need to. But not if you are not familiar with the mechanics of it. I have had two cancellations in the last two days on these, and I don't see it letting up with the rates going up and up.

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Messages in this Thread
 MTA's - MA_SA on 5/6/06 4:41pm
 Brian.... - Korey Humphreys on 5/6/06 8:49pm
 Re: Brian....K O R E Y -  BrendaTx on 5/6/06 10:37pm
 Re: Brian....K O R E Y..... B R E N D A - Korey Humphreys on 5/7/06 10:18am
 I reply,,, - MA_SA on 5/7/06 11:28am
 Re: I reply,,, - Korey Humphreys on 5/7/06 6:19pm
 Re: I reply,,,Korey... -  BrendaTx on 5/7/06 6:40pm
 LOL -------------------------- - Korey Humphreys on 5/7/06 7:17pm
 Re: LOL -- Okay City boy...A Poem for Korey -  BrendaTx on 5/7/06 8:02pm
 LMAO! Nice! :) .... Where do u come up with this stuff? n/m - Korey Humphreys on 5/7/06 8:19pm
 Re: LMAO! Nice! :) .... Korey - -  BrendaTx on 5/7/06 9:08pm
 Ok, - MA_SA on 5/7/06 9:20pm

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