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Re: feedback on my website
Posted by LauraV of WA on 5/12/06 3:57pm Msg #119511
Excellent website. Concise. Speaks to the exact services your customers want. Attractive. No fluffy words like "reliable." Easy to skim.

Website makes it seem like you do weekend and evenings only. If you are available full time, then change the wording.

If you are not new, say something about your experience. If you are new, never mind.

A few tips:
*Increase the power of your bullet points by saying "We notarize documents related to:"
then list your bullet words without the word documents.

*Say travel fees, not traveling fees. Your fees don't travel - you do. Good idea to not list your rates.

*Lose the notary rotary part. You don't want to make it easy for your customer to find your competition and call around to low ball the fee.

Great job, Joshua!
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Messages in this Thread
 feedback on my website - Joshua Basil on 5/12/06 3:28pm
 Re: feedback on my website - LauraV on 5/12/06 3:57pm
 Re: feedback on my website - whitesatin on 5/12/06 4:00pm
 Re: feedback on my website -  Joan Bergstrom on 5/12/06 4:48pm
 Re: feedback on my website -  MichiganAl on 5/12/06 5:38pm
 Re: feedback on my website -  Jennifer_AZ on 5/12/06 6:47pm
 Re: feedback on my website- Josh my son's name also -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/12/06 7:23pm
 No, you're not having a stroke -  MichiganAl on 5/12/06 9:03pm
 Re: No, you're not having a stroke -  BarbaraL_CA on 5/12/06 10:22pm
 Re: No, you're not having a stroke - maybe I am ... -  BrendaTx on 5/12/06 10:45pm
 "I thought it looked perfectly clear" -  MichiganAl on 5/12/06 11:01pm
 Re: "I thought it looked perfectly clear" -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/12/06 11:30pm
 Re: No, you're not having a stroke - Happy Hour setting in.. -  MelissaCT on 5/12/06 11:36pm
 Re: feedback on my website - Dee_Fla on 5/13/06 10:53am
 Re:i like - asigner on 5/14/06 1:14pm

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