Guess I am sort of in this crowd. I was recruiting for FASS, and managed to get one contact at a local First American office to give me about 20 signings per month, beginng in June: $75 for overnight docs and $100 if I print; and one other signing service to give me 20-30 for the same deal.
I just left April 21, 2006 and have received 6 signings this month. My saving grace was LSI, who gave me 5 of those signings. Also, I had two new signing services call me for the first time, Friday last week. I expect EOM for May and June to busy.
I did take a temp job from 7am-3pm for 2 1/2weeks to make bills, and wouldn't you know that just when the phone began to ring. I am blessed with a flexible schedule, so I was able to take off on Wed & Thursday next week and be available on the heavy closing days.