If a former escrow officer is asking for leads, then they were either 1) not an escrow officer for long or 2) didn't make much of an impact. Also, "fearing a layoff" tells me alot. This is not a successful escrow officer, IMO.
For those EO's that I know who have chosen to leave the field and work part time as a SA, they are plenty busy. Their co-workers are relieved to have a signer that knows their needs, down to the smallest detail.
I think the mortgage company employee who evolves into a signer is something else entirely. Not less than, just different. An escrow officer has contacts from TC's...and can expect to get that business. A mortgage company employee who goes out on their own can expect to know everything, but perhaps, without the contacts. It depends. Our Ms. Renee would know more, and methinks she is people friendly enough to have a thriving signing business, with the plus of an inside-track of knowledge. Others will have to take their chances.