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Big Al is not fair
Posted by Anonymous from of CA on 5/28/06 3:28am Msg #122824
Big Al you are such a hypocrite. You attacked someone on this board for being "political" and you turned around in the same thread and openly bashed two religions on this public forum with your biased personal opinion. You are such a joke! Talking about having an agenda!!
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Messages in this Thread
 Big Al is not fair - Anonymous from on 5/28/06 3:28am
 You are wasting your time gutless... We don't speak idiot! - AngelinaAZ on 5/28/06 5:51am
 Re: You are wasting your time gutless... We don't speak idiot! - Anonymous from on 5/28/06 6:22am
 Re: You are wasting your time gutless... We don't speak idiot! - AngelinaAZ on 5/28/06 2:54pm
 Re: Big Al is not fair -  eboughey on 5/28/06 8:11am
 At least he posts with his name -  Dorothy_MI on 5/28/06 1:25pm
 Re: Big Al is not fair -  BrendaTx on 5/28/06 3:32pm
 Re: Big Al is not fair - Drakester_IA on 5/28/06 5:16pm
 Re: Big Al is not fair - Drakester - I just wonder what -  BrendaTx on 5/28/06 5:34pm
 Re: Big Al is not fair - Drakester - I just wonder what - Drakester_IA on 5/28/06 6:08pm
 Re: Big Al is not fair - Drakester - I just wonder what -  BrendaTx on 5/28/06 7:53pm
 Re: Big Al is not fair - Drakester - I just wonder what - Drakester_IA on 5/28/06 8:19pm
 Re: Big Al is not fair....Hey Al is trolling for fat chicks? -  hcampersFL on 5/28/06 10:50pm

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