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Re: UBER is our future?
Posted by Darlin_AL of AL on 1/12/16 12:52pm Msg #544014
uber was approved to operate in Birmingham last month, and my oldest is having a lot of success working just evenings.
He has some things going for him: a retired city policeman who always worked night shifts & precinct was central to nightlife, clubs, etc. He knows exactly where to wait between fares, the shortcuts from a to b, if the clients want that--and .a Prius, which are unusually roomy
One of his kids observed: "before you were picking up drunks who were mad & threw up in your car, now you're picking up drunks who are happy & pay you!"
If the taxi people don't like it, they might start by keeping their cars clean inside--a complaint I have heard.
There are a lot of busy restaurants outside of the metro are, but no provision for pedestrians & killer busy highways--no lights or crosswalks for safe crossing. I expect a lot of folks will use uber for that short a trip also, as it can be cheaper than driving.

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Messages in this Thread
 UBER is our future? - AVLCloser on 1/12/16 9:10am
 The professional organization for Notary Taxi Drivers .... - BobbiCT on 1/12/16 9:45am
 U B R Notary? -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/16 9:55am
 Not me. Too much risk as far as I'm concerned. n/m -  MW/VA on 1/12/16 10:37am
 R U Advertising for the NNA perhaps? :( n/m -  Christine/OK on 1/12/16 10:59am
 Re: UBER is our future? -  Joe Ewing on 1/12/16 11:50am
 Re: UBER is our future? - Luckydog on 1/12/16 11:58am
 Re: UBER is our future? - Darlin_AL on 1/12/16 12:52pm
 Re: UBER is our future? - mtcwgrl on 1/12/16 1:26pm
 That is funny: find a way to make us pay. n/m - jba/fl on 1/12/16 4:31pm
 Standard auto insurance is INSUFFICIENT!!!! - LKT/CA on 1/12/16 9:17pm
 no rideshare ins available in AL that we could find - Darlin_AL on 1/12/16 9:36pm
 Re: no rideshare ins available in AL that we could find - LKT/CA on 1/13/16 6:27am
 If you can't get a specific "rideshare" policy on your -  Linda_H/FL on 1/13/16 11:17am
 IMHO if you cannot get a rideshare policy - LKT/CA on 1/13/16 1:29pm
 Okay..let me rephrase.. -  Linda_H/FL on 1/14/16 7:43am
 Re: UBER is our future? - rolomia on 5/2/24 1:40am

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