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Re: ROFL - PegiT -- ditto!! n/m
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 1/22/20 11:37am Msg #614850
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 I've heard it all now. -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/22/20 8:46am
 This is why I've considered that org a joke for a long time! n/m -  MW/VA on 1/22/20 9:12am
 Really pathetic, yet we must have their illustrious BGC n/m - Lee/AR on 1/22/20 9:35am
 Just When You THOUGHT you had heard it all . . . -  PegiT_MN on 1/22/20 10:16am
 OMG mad me laugh Pegi n/m - Luckydog on 1/22/20 10:30am
 Re: ROFL - PegiT n/m - LJCA on 1/22/20 11:16am
 Re: ROFL - PegiT -- ditto!! n/m -  Yoli/CA on 1/22/20 11:37am
 Re: Just When You THOUGHT you had heard it all . . . - Luckydog on 1/22/20 12:05pm
 LOL n/m -  MW/VA on 1/22/20 4:13pm
 One of my friends is a high school coach, big and buff, uber -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/22/20 2:53pm
 Sounds like them admitting they know NSA fees are down. n/m - NK_UT on 1/22/20 8:13pm
 So there is a big push for Uber drivers to be classified as -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/23/20 6:59am
 Good point, Cheryl, re employee or IC n/m - Lee/AR on 1/23/20 8:12am
 Re: Good point, Cheryl, re employee or IC -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/23/20 10:33am
 Uber isn't worthwhile - rolomia on 5/2/24 1:27am

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