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Re: Trouble with title/escrow and signing services...?!
Posted by Debbie_B_AZ of AZ on 2/25/21 9:42pm Msg #629923
We've been in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde for most of February. Mercury rules communications, electronics, and travel, to name a few. When it moves into and out of retrograde (3x/year), things go haywire. My biggest challenge this month has been with Adobe and printing documents correctly. They did an update and messed everyone up. Got that straightened out, then it still printed wonky, like the wrong paper size. Ugh! And it's usually when you're in a hurry, too.
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Messages in this Thread
 Trouble with title/escrow and signing services...?! - Ellen Smith on 2/22/21 3:35pm
 Re: Trouble with title/escrow and signing services...?! - Luckydog on 2/23/21 7:02am
 Re: Trouble with title/escrow and signing services...?! - Noolypen on 2/23/21 10:45am
 Only two of my five scheduled happened yesterday. - Kellosh/CA on 2/23/21 12:34pm
 Re: Trouble with title/escrow and signing services...?! - JCT_NORCAL on 2/23/21 3:06pm
 Re: Trouble with title/escrow and signing services...?! - Debbie_B_AZ on 2/25/21 9:42pm

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