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ALTA in complete support of nationwide RON
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 9/25/22 12:53pm Msg #642470
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Messages in this Thread
 ALTA in complete support of nationwide RON -  Yoli/CA on 9/25/22 12:53pm
 Re: ALTA in complete support of nationwide RON -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/25/22 1:09pm
 Rates hit 6.4% on Friday. Paper or digital closings? It does - grapebed on 9/25/22 8:33pm
 The FED could crash the housing market -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/26/22 7:50am
 Re: The FED could crash the housing market -  Amigoaz on 9/26/22 9:34am
 Re: The FED could crash the housing market -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/26/22 9:41am
 Re: Electronic Signings -  Amigoaz on 9/26/22 12:38pm
 Re: Electronic Signings - VT_Syrup on 9/26/22 1:18pm
 Re: Electronic Signings -  Yoli/CA on 9/26/22 1:58pm
 Re: Electronic Signings - PaigeTurner on 9/26/22 5:23pm
 Interesting that they named bill the "SECURE"... Act -  JanetK_CA on 9/28/22 2:31pm
 Bill Naming: Just like the Inflation Reduction Act doesn't -  Amigoaz on 9/28/22 9:47pm

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