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Re: Electronic Signings
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 9/26/22 1:58pm Msg #642489
Plus, currently with paper docs if there's a discrepancy/error, we can strike through, write in correction and signers initial. From what I've read about RON, corrections can be implemented immmediately by document holder (TC/lender) and signer can see correction immediately. HOWEVER ... how many times have any of us tried to contact TC/lender only to have to leave a message and wait for a call back and that call back takes a long time coming. OR, what about after-hour signings? Guess if signers require some kind of correction, we'd just have to abort signing, huh?

Any talk of correction is, of course, predicated on the assumption that signers bother to read electronic docs. Yeah ... right! Wink

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 Re: Electronic Signings -  Yoli/CA on 9/26/22 1:58pm
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