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Re: Avenue 365
Posted by Sheryl/TX of TX on 9/15/23 6:08pm Msg #646778
When I was working with them they were called Xome, later acquired by Title 365! Mostly large VA pgks that had a lot of materials used and they didn't like to budge from $90. So I stopped working for them! Printing 390 pgs is a lot!! The app worked really well! They kept me busy for a while, but it didn't average right!
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Messages in this Thread
 Avenue 365 - Rebecka Ebsen on 9/15/23 5:36am
 Never heard of them. n/m - Colonel/IA on 9/15/23 7:08am
 There is a listing in Signing Central for Avenue 365 Title -  MW/VA on 9/15/23 8:41am
 Here's their website ... -  Yoli/CA on 9/15/23 8:43am
 Re: Avenue 365 - SteveS/CA on 9/15/23 1:56pm
 They had some relationship with Xome a while back. n/m - Lee/AR on 9/15/23 3:51pm
 Re: Avenue 365 - Sheryl/TX on 9/15/23 6:08pm
 That's a blast from the past... - FeliseSoCal on 9/15/23 6:23pm
 A little history about them -  JanetK_CA on 9/15/23 9:02pm
 Re: A little history about them - SteveS/CA on 9/16/23 10:05am
 Stagnant fees vs increasing pay -  JanetK_CA on 9/17/23 5:23pm
 Re: Stagnant fees vs increasing pay - SteveS/CA on 9/18/23 4:14pm
 Re: Stagnant fees vs increasing pay - Sheryl/TX on 9/19/23 7:14am
 Re: Stagnant fees vs increasing pay -  JanetK_CA on 9/19/23 4:38pm

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