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Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 11/22/23 1:10pm Msg #647196
Today, I am unable to access their website and the mobile app. I've sent in emails to customer service and also to a couple of my contacts there with no response. Anyone know what's going on there? (Did they just shut everything down for the Holiday?)

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Messages in this Thread
 Bancserv -  Yoli/CA on 11/22/23 1:10pm
 Seems to be offline. n/m - Lee/AR on 11/23/23 4:24am
 Re: Bancserv - SReis on 11/23/23 7:06pm
 Re: Bancserv - Michael Voth on 11/26/23 4:42am
 Re: Bancserv - Charlie/NV on 11/26/23 10:40am
 Re: Bancserv -- Thanks for that link, Charlie/NV! -  Yoli/CA on 11/26/23 12:11pm
 Re: Bancserv - mtnotary on 11/26/23 11:50am
 Re: Bancserv - ananotary on 11/26/23 1:28pm
 Re: Bancserv -- still down Mon., 11/27/2023, morning -  Yoli/CA on 11/27/23 11:24am
 Re: Bancserv -- still down Mon., 11/27/2023, morning - Rina Hightower on 11/27/23 1:03pm
 Yes, FNF and all affiliates are down. n/m - ananotary on 11/27/23 3:22pm
 From what I read on the coffee site - ransomware attack n/m - Linda_H/FL on 11/27/23 4:52pm
 Re: From what I read on the coffee site - ransomware attack -  Yoli/CA on 11/28/23 11:55am
 Re: From what I read on the coffee site - ransomware attack - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 11/28/23 8:55pm
 Bancserv 'site & app now accessible --11/29/2023 -  Yoli/CA on 11/29/23 12:33pm
 Was up now back down - anotaryinva on 11/29/23 3:04pm
 Re: Was up now back down - SteveS/CA on 11/29/23 3:51pm
 Re: Was up now back down -- yep, same here -  Yoli/CA on 11/29/23 5:09pm
 Same n/m -  garland/CA on 11/29/23 3:56pm
 Re: Bancserv - CPNS2006 on 12/1/23 11:14am
 Re: Bancserv - jnew on 12/5/23 9:03am
 Re: Bancserv - SteveS/CA on 12/5/23 10:52am
 Re: Bancserv - jnew on 12/6/23 2:22pm

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