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Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 12/13/23 2:35pm Msg #647382
Recently, I heard rates would be dropping around March or May 2024. It wasn't stated how much they were dropping. If these alleged reductions do happen, new orders probably won't hit the pipeline 'til about the last quarter of 2024.


It would be WONDERFUL if people who've been holding off to purchase/sell/refinance jump on the first reduction -- if it's a good one. However, they may wait to see how low those reductions will go.

With that in mind, I wouldn't bank on this business picking up anywhere near the boom we saw during the pandemic or even business as we knew it 5 years ago.

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Messages in this Thread
 FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - aanotary on 12/13/23 2:14pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Yoli/CA on 12/13/23 2:35pm
 Sadly agree with Yoli n/m - Lee/AR on 12/13/23 2:48pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/13/23 3:08pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - aanotary on 12/13/23 3:20pm
 aanotary- Loving the stock market gains! - ananotary on 12/13/23 7:47pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Mike Goodey on 12/13/23 7:14pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/13/23 7:48pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  JanetK_CA on 12/14/23 4:10pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - Lisa Joy Phillips on 12/14/23 3:38pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - Matt Miller on 12/15/23 10:17am

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