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Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks
Posted by Matt Miller of CA on 12/15/23 10:17amMsg #647397
While it is very likely that during the second half of next year, there will be three quarter percent rate cuts, but the signing business will return to digital closings (RON). Title co's, lenders, realtors and platforms have been positioning themselves during this period for that shift. If you're not an RON now, you might consider becoming one. That's were the next Real Estate signing boom will occur.
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Messages in this Thread
 FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - aanotary on 12/13/23 2:14pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Yoli/CA on 12/13/23 2:35pm
 Sadly agree with Yoli n/m - Lee/AR on 12/13/23 2:48pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/13/23 3:08pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - aanotary on 12/13/23 3:20pm
 aanotary- Loving the stock market gains! - ananotary on 12/13/23 7:47pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Mike Goodey on 12/13/23 7:14pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/13/23 7:48pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks -  JanetK_CA on 12/14/23 4:10pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - Lisa Joy Phillips on 12/14/23 3:38pm
 Re: FINALLY- fed holds steady and talks - Matt Miller on 12/15/23 10:17am

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