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Re: Interested to hear from Bobbi-CT on this
Posted by BobbiCT of CT on 12/18/23 6:28pm Msg #647407,remote%20notarization)%20under%20specific%20conditions

The above probably won't work, so Google the law firm of "Reid and Riege remote notarization act now in effect" for a succinct description of the new law - pending the CT Secretary of State adopting regulations so that it can be implemented. When I was on the CT e-recording committee (after the law was passed), it took us two years to finalize regulations that would "work" in 169 different recording towns using different software and not favor one vendor.

I've stepped back and haven't followed this that closely. To me, it's cumbersome RIN since the paper document must be sent to the notary for a wet signature and then returned to signer(s). CT is an attorney favored estate. My guess is that RON in CT will become the venue of title insurance companies and their attorney-agent. I don't know how many independent CT notaries public are out there that want to do this for the $5 notarization fee; the law doesn't address the additional costs of shipping, software, and the never-ending security and records the notary must maintain.
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Messages in this Thread
 Connecticut authorizes RON with heavy restrictions - VT_Syrup on 12/17/23 1:22pm
 Clickable link...I hope - Linda_H/FL on 12/17/23 1:46pm
 Re: Connecticut authorizes RON with heavy restrictions -  Yoli/CA on 12/17/23 4:28pm
 Re: Connecticut authorizes RON with heavy restrictions - Matt Miller on 12/18/23 11:25am
 Interested to hear from Bobbi-CT on this n/m - Linda_H/FL on 12/18/23 3:34pm
 Re: Interested to hear from Bobbi-CT on this - BobbiCT on 12/18/23 6:28pm
 Thanks Bobbi...good to hear from you!! n/m - Linda_H/FL on 12/18/23 7:15pm

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