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Nationstar (dba Mr. Cooper) was hacked - back on 10/31/23
Posted by JanetK_CA of CA on 1/13/24 12:10am Msg #647548
The hackers got lots of personal info - including SSNs - and I just got a letter informing me about it this week. Grrrrrrrr.... So I just set up my credit monitoring and put a freeze on my credit. I wonder if this will do anything to reduce all the calls I get from companies wanting to loan money to my business. [eye-roll emoji here Wink]

One of the weaknesses (I don't know what else to call it) that's always bugged me about the lending process is that the borrower seems to have very little to no say in who they end up making loan payments to. They can try to borrow from a company that has a history of servicing the loans they issue, but that's no guarantee. The last loan on my home originated with Citibank, but after a decade or so, was sold to Nationstar (now Mr. Cooper), which I certainly would never have chosen. Oh well... It's still a pain!

[Sorry if this belongs in Leisure, but at least it's relevant to the loan biz.]
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Messages in this Thread
 Nationstar (dba Mr. Cooper) was hacked - back on 10/31/23 - JanetK_CA on 1/13/24 12:10am
 Re: Nationstar (dba Mr. Cooper) was hacked - back on 10/31/23 -  Yoli/CA on 1/13/24 8:05am
 Re: Nationstar (dba Mr. Cooper) was hacked - back on 10/31/23 - Valerie Harris on 1/17/24 3:41pm
 Re: Nationstar (dba Mr. Cooper) was hacked - back on 10/31/23 -  JanetK_CA on 1/19/24 1:02pm
 Re: Nationstar (dba Mr. Cooper) was hacked - back on 10/31/23 -  Yoli/CA on 1/20/24 8:53am
 Re: Nationstar (dba Mr. Cooper) was hacked - back on 10/31/23 -  JanetK_CA on 1/22/24 3:55am
 Re: Nationstar (dba Mr. Cooper) was hacked - back on 10/31/23 - James Powell on 1/26/24 10:20am

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