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Re: unlimited Ink
Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 1/15/24 12:13pm Msg #647559
In general, I agree with you that you should just print on whatever paper size the package calls for. What I will do sometimes is print the lender copy in legal size and the borrower copy in letter size with the print condensed so they still get the whole thing. What is REALLY stupid is when they have a 150 page package with 149 pages letter size and 1 page legal size. If it is something like just instruction pages in legal size, I'll sometimes condense that down.
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Messages in this Thread
 unlimited Ink - Carol Ann Horne on 1/12/24 4:27pm
 Re: unlimited Ink -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/12/24 4:41pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - Carol Ann Horne on 1/13/24 2:20pm
 Re: unlimited Ink -  Yoli/CA on 1/15/24 8:55am
 Re: unlimited Ink - SteveS/CA on 1/15/24 12:13pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - SteveS/CA on 1/12/24 5:04pm
 Re: unlimited Ink - Rosemarie Marotta on 1/18/24 7:58am
 Re: unlimited Ink - Deborah Riley on 1/25/24 2:25pm
 Deborah that sounds about right. Also, they're SS listings - CPNS2006 on 1/30/24 8:11am

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