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The owner of SnapDumps doesn't care if you get paid or not
Posted by CPNS2006 of IN on 1/26/24 7:58am Msg #647641
SnapDumps is NOT NSA friendly as it is owned by a signing service. Fees insultingly low and you get paid when THEY feel like paying you.

Sorry you're going through this, but they've not changed at all.
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Messages in this Thread
 Accurate group not paying snapdocs for vendor pay - Barry Simeone on 1/19/24 8:43am
 Re: Accurate group not paying snapdocs for vendor pay - jnew on 1/22/24 10:51am
 Re: Accurate group not paying snapdocs for vendor pay - SteveS/CA on 1/22/24 11:50am
 The owner of SnapDumps doesn't care if you get paid or not - CPNS2006 on 1/26/24 7:58am
 Re: The owner of SnapDumps doesn - Casey Colip on 1/26/24 10:59am
 Re: Accurate group not paying snapdocs for vendor pay - Casey Colip on 1/26/24 10:58am

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