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Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 1/26/24 8:56am Msg #647643
Expeditor posts: "I use my jurat stamp and my notary stamp right on top the document wording being careful not to cover the signers signature. I then fill out the jurat and sign it. Sometimes it's almost unreadable but I have never had one returned." Considering how picky some of our government agencies can be, I'm surprised you haven't had any issues with those notarizations. The California Notary Handbook reads, in part:

"Many documents that are acknowledged may later be recorded. A document may not be
accepted by the recorder if the notary public seal is illegible. Notaries public are cautioned to
make sure that the notary public stamp leaves a clear impression. All the elements must be
discernible. The seal should not be placed over signatures or over any printed matter on the
document. An illegible or improperly placed seal may result in rejection of the document for
recordation and result in inconveniences and extra expenses for all those involved."

Government Code 8201 reads in part:

"§ 8207. Seal
A notary public shall provide and keep an official seal, which shall clearly show, when embossed,
stamped, impressed or affixed to a document, the name of the notary, the State Seal, the words
“Notary Public,” and the name of the county wherein the bond and oath of office are filed, and
the date the notary public’s commission expires."

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Messages in this Thread
 Boxed notice (required in CA) isn't boxed - Cyd Haug-West on 1/18/24 5:27pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  Expeditor on 1/18/24 9:49pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  JanetK_CA on 1/19/24 12:57pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  Yoli/CA on 1/20/24 8:25am
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn - Cyd_in_Sac on 1/22/24 3:50pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn - Linda_H/FL on 1/22/24 6:06pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  JanetK_CA on 1/22/24 8:53pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn't boxed - Cyd_in_Sac on 1/22/24 3:52pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  Expeditor on 1/25/24 1:10pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  Yoli/CA on 1/26/24 8:56am
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  Expeditor on 1/26/24 9:07pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  Yoli/CA on 1/27/24 12:18pm
 Re: Boxed notice (required in CA) isn -  Expeditor on 1/27/24 3:57pm

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