After being in business for over 18 years, I don’t know why I’m surprised by these text messages that I get. We’ve all said this before how the fees continue to be driven down by others in the business. We all hear the term keeping up with inflation. Gas is risin. groceries are rising, taxes, insurance, etc. But what I don’t understand about the business is that people keep driving down the price of the work that we do. II believe I know it’s because there’s always somebody out there that will take that lowball offer. Shameful in my opinion. I know it’s a very slow time in our business and I’ve reinvented myself to do other things to generate income. I haven’t posted on this site for quite some time and hope everyone is doing well and I wish you all the best.
Here’s my example
Hi Kimberly,
Can you close a refi today 2/27 at 4:30pm. Closing at 3578 2nd ave edgewater MD 21037. Pays 100 and we will need scanbacks.
Thanks, Complete Closers