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Re: Some things never change.
Posted by Deborah Walker Walker Signing Services of NC on 3/4/24 2:52pm Msg #647914
And to top it off, I have to chase down some of the SS to get my pay (Prestige and Notable Notaries) send Past Due emails over and over. So tiring.
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Messages in this Thread
 Some things never change -  KimmyMD on 2/28/24 6:47am
 Re: Some things never change -  Yoli/CA on 2/28/24 8:08am
 Re: Some things never change -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/28/24 10:44am
 Re: Some things never change - Julie/MI on 2/28/24 9:13pm
 Re: Some things never change -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/29/24 5:08pm
 Re: Some things never change -  Ernest__CT on 2/28/24 10:45am
 Re: Some things never change. - kcg on 2/28/24 1:32pm
 Re: Some things never change. - Deborah Walker Walker Signing Services on 3/4/24 2:52pm
 $100? I'm seeing $80...& some new fool is taking it. n/m - Lee/AR on 2/28/24 12:10pm
 Re: $100? I -  Mike Goodey on 2/28/24 2:21pm
 Re: $100? I - SteveS/CA on 2/28/24 3:24pm
 Re: Some things never change - SteveS/CA on 2/28/24 2:17pm
 Re: Some things never change - Julie/MI on 2/28/24 9:16pm
 $65 huh? Hrrmm....odd that number is thrown around so - Linda_H/FL on 2/29/24 9:41am
 Re:UPS&Postal Annex killing GNW in my area. Dime a dozen. n/m - HeatherR/CA on 2/29/24 9:18am
 Re: Some things never change - Leo_FL on 3/2/24 6:11am
 Re: Here's one for $20 - CopperheadTX on 3/2/24 7:29am
 Re: Here's one for $20 - SteveS/CA on 3/2/24 8:56am
 LOL! Good one! These folks must be smoking something... n/m -  JanetK_CA on 3/2/24 3:27pm
 Re: Here - Golden Notary, LLC. on 3/6/24 9:39pm
 LOL someone said they should pay 20$ just to read intro n/m - Golden Notary, LLC. on 3/6/24 9:42pm
 Re: Here -  Expeditor on 3/11/24 7:59am
 Re: Some things never change - SteveS/CA on 3/5/24 8:24am

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