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Re: What’s been your highest count of notarizations in a package
Posted by SC/CA of CA on 3/6/24 6:35pm Msg #647932
Wow, that’s a lot for a Seller’s package! 120 was my max, but it wasn’t a Real Estate package. It was for the CEO of an organization that serves several counties across northern California, doing fiduciary care for mentally disabled clients. After spending the day there, I felt like an honorary employee when I was invited for office cake for a worker’s birthday.:-)
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Messages in this Thread
 What’s been your highest count of notarizations in a package - anotaryinva on 3/6/24 5:50pm
 Re: What’s been your highest count of notarizations in a package -  Mike Goodey on 3/6/24 6:02pm
 Re: What’s been your highest count of notarizations in a package - SteveS/CA on 3/6/24 6:25pm
 Re: What’s been your highest count of notarizations in a package - SC/CA on 3/6/24 6:35pm
 Re: What’s been your highest count of notarizations in a package - SteveS/CA on 3/6/24 6:54pm
 Re: What’s been your highest count of notarizations in a package -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/6/24 10:12pm

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