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Me, too, although not the most sophisticated tool
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 3/7/24 3:43pm Msg #647946
I also created an invoice form early on and modified it a bit for receipts. (I always keep blanks of those on hand for GNW.) It gets the job done, costs me nothing, and they're easy to generate - but not the best for tracking. At this stage of my business, though, I don't really care. Wink

In retrospect, I might have done something different, knowing what I do now (like invest in Quick Books, which can handle both...), but since I'm a sole proprietor, this has worked well enough for me. My invoice number system is a combination of a code for type of client, a sequential number by client name (sometimes location), and another sequential number for orders from each client.

When I created that system, I'd had some experience setting up databases and had ambitions of creating a searchable one. I never managed to carve out the time to do that, though. Wink I did invest in Quicken for an accounting system, but I'd have been much better off with Quick Books.)
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Messages in this Thread
 Invoices...What do you use? - FeliseSoCal on 3/6/24 7:20pm
 Re: Invoices...What do you use? - SteveS/CA on 3/6/24 7:54pm
 Re: Invoices...What do you use? -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/6/24 10:07pm
 Re: Invoices...What do you use? -  Yoli/CA on 3/7/24 9:41am
 Made one up in Word - Lee/AR on 3/7/24 9:24am
 Me, too, although not the most sophisticated tool -  JanetK_CA on 3/7/24 3:43pm
 Thanks everyone! n/m - FeliseSoCal on 3/7/24 4:08pm
 Re: Invoices...What do you use? -  Ilene C. Seidel on 3/11/24 12:07pm
 Re: Invoices...What do you use? WORD - Susan/CA on 3/12/24 9:59am
 I generate my invoices in N*tary A*sist n/m - ananotary on 3/12/24 5:35pm

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