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Re: The worse fraud I
Posted by TR/NC of NC on 3/12/24 12:33pm Msg #647967
So sad and another senseless and just flat-out murder. I have my thoughts on what they all deserve, for the moment they are all getting 3 hots and a cot which is entirely too much. I'm very sorry for the family and your community, hopefully a sense of peace and security will be restored sooner than later.
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Messages in this Thread
 The worse fraud I've heard of in my career, MURDER FOR HIRE -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/8/24 9:48am
 Re: The worse fraud I - TR/NC on 3/12/24 9:13am
 Re: The worse fraud I -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/12/24 11:01am
 Re: The worse fraud I - TR/NC on 3/12/24 12:33pm

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