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Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth...
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 3/20/24 5:41pm Msg #648041
Congrats on receiving your first few assignments - and for not falling for the very misleading promises of those online "training" programs!

I retook the proctored exam last month to renew my commission again and was notified that not enough people registered for the scheduled exam times, so some were cancelled. I hope that's a good sign for the rest of us. Also, whenever interest rates start coming down again (some speculating before the end of this year), there may be another slight up-tick. There are, of course, lots of other factors that will influence that.

Best of luck!
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Messages in this Thread
 On perceived value and knowing your worth... - JanetK_CA on 3/16/24 2:56am
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/16/24 11:46am
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... - SteveS/CA on 3/16/24 7:15pm
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/16/24 11:53pm
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... - The Signing Resource - Kevin on 3/20/24 3:36am
 Welcome to NotRot, Kevin -  Yoli/CA on 3/20/24 9:33am
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... -  JanetK_CA on 3/20/24 5:41pm
 This also hold true for R/E brokers. food for thought..... n/m - sigtogo/OR on 3/18/24 7:37pm
 Re: On perceived value and knowing your worth... - The Signing Resource - Kevin on 3/20/24 3:39am

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