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Uber isn't worthwhile
Posted by rolomia of AR on 5/2/24 1:27am Msg #648360
I signed up to drive with them seven years ago. I took a break. But, I made the dumb decision to try rideshare driing again. All it does is waste your time, add miles and wear/tear to your vehicle (and your sanity). What most people don't know is that Uber's app crashes all the time, passengers lie about everything to get refunds on the rides, drunk passengers won't pay the cleaning fee when they get sick in your vehicle and Uber tries to bribe drivers to remain with them by bribing them with uselss/worthless incentives that most consumers can get for free.

Also, Uber keeps cutting driver's share of the fare. And, a recent news report says that Uber will soon get 60% & drivers will only get 40%.

And, you have to pay for your fuel, vehicle maintenance & repairs, auto insurance, income taxes, etc. out of your share. I've had some fares that only paid just over $2. Most fares pay less than $1 per mile, before expenses. And, you don't get paid for the miles you drive on your way to pickup the passenger. The same is true with taxi cabs too, though. But, at least the money is usually better.

Also, Uber routinely lies about incentives. One promotion was that if I attained Gold status (500 points) by the first of March, I would get $300. I exceeded that goal and the promotion disappeared. Read the various Uber forums, where this issue is discussed in great detail. Hundreds if not thousands of posts detail Uber's many lies.

Driver support is non-existent. The best you get is Copy & Paste answers from foreign call center agents. They speak good english. But, many are rude and give canned responses. Their favorite word is NO!

Finally, they reset driver's points very three months. Thus, passengers cannot see that you've provided thousands of rides to passengers. So, experience cannot be rewarded by passengers who would tip better, had they known such information. I met one driver who has made almost 12,000 trips. But, it's his word against Uber's. So, who are you going to believe? Passengers believe what the app tells them. Thus, feedback ratings no longer matter.
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Messages in this Thread
 I've heard it all now. -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/22/20 8:46am
 This is why I've considered that org a joke for a long time! n/m -  MW/VA on 1/22/20 9:12am
 Really pathetic, yet we must have their illustrious BGC n/m - Lee/AR on 1/22/20 9:35am
 Just When You THOUGHT you had heard it all . . . -  PegiT_MN on 1/22/20 10:16am
 OMG mad me laugh Pegi n/m - Luckydog on 1/22/20 10:30am
 Re: ROFL - PegiT n/m - LJCA on 1/22/20 11:16am
 Re: ROFL - PegiT -- ditto!! n/m -  Yoli/CA on 1/22/20 11:37am
 Re: Just When You THOUGHT you had heard it all . . . - Luckydog on 1/22/20 12:05pm
 LOL n/m -  MW/VA on 1/22/20 4:13pm
 One of my friends is a high school coach, big and buff, uber -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/22/20 2:53pm
 Sounds like them admitting they know NSA fees are down. n/m - NK_UT on 1/22/20 8:13pm
 So there is a big push for Uber drivers to be classified as -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/23/20 6:59am
 Good point, Cheryl, re employee or IC n/m - Lee/AR on 1/23/20 8:12am
 Re: Good point, Cheryl, re employee or IC -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/23/20 10:33am
 Uber isn't worthwhile - rolomia on 5/2/24 1:27am

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