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Re: Last SC rating 12/23: 5*... BUT 3*overall.
Posted by Susan/CA of CA on 5/17/24 10:57am Msg #648443
Thank you both... I was just asking because its been years since I worked with them and had forgotten all about them. My boyfriend just got a BofA HELOC and his notary printed and left a copy of her confirmation form in his copies. It said it paid $130.00 but as we know the Title company (who was named on the confirmation as well) was getting their cut of that. My boyfriend said the notary said she had 6 signings that day and rushed through the signing not leaving any RTCs with him but told him he had the RTC and I found, as he had me read everything trying to find the RTC and his payment date that there should have been RTC's in the package. I am assuming she was getting a low ball fee (my guess from seeing some text offers I get but don't accept or even respond to is the fee is anywhere from $35.00, $45.00 to $50.00 for HELOC's. He said she was so excited about all her appointments. The worse part of the whole thing is she did not leave him any RTC's. So I was curious if anyone knows if Field Choice is a bottom feeder now.
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Messages in this Thread
 Field Choice - Susan/CA on 5/15/24 9:07am
 Last SC rating 12/23: 5*... BUT 3*overall. - Lee/AR on 5/15/24 10:09am
 Re: Last SC rating 12/23: 5*... BUT 3*overall. - pdl/cali on 5/16/24 1:31pm
 Re: Last SC rating 12/23: 5*... BUT 3*overall. - Susan/CA on 5/17/24 10:57am
 They're all bottom feeders now. Supply and demand in play. n/m - Lee/AR on 5/17/24 12:22pm
 unless notary didn't print all docs, no RTC is lender or TC - sigtogo/OR on 5/23/24 9:37pm

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