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unless notary didn't print all docs, no RTC is lender or TC
Posted by sigtogo/OR of OR on 5/23/24 9:37pm Msg #648500
Fault. It is not the notary or Field Choice fault if doc is missing from loan package.
The docs are determined by lender and title. I am not seeing how there being no RTC makes FC a bottom feeder. I am not saying they are not but no RTC would not be proof of that claim.

maybe I am missing something in your post.
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Messages in this Thread
 Field Choice - Susan/CA on 5/15/24 9:07am
 Last SC rating 12/23: 5*... BUT 3*overall. - Lee/AR on 5/15/24 10:09am
 Re: Last SC rating 12/23: 5*... BUT 3*overall. - pdl/cali on 5/16/24 1:31pm
 Re: Last SC rating 12/23: 5*... BUT 3*overall. - Susan/CA on 5/17/24 10:57am
 They're all bottom feeders now. Supply and demand in play. n/m - Lee/AR on 5/17/24 12:22pm
 unless notary didn't print all docs, no RTC is lender or TC - sigtogo/OR on 5/23/24 9:37pm

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