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Re: Selling/Buying Notary Business
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 7/3/24 12:14pm Msg #648763
This is strictly my opinion:

You can purchase someone's book of business -- a list of all their current clients/signing services/escrow companies/etc. -- and contact all those clients to introduce yourself (or have the seller do that for you, which would then be a recommendation for you on the seller's side). However, unless there's a written contract with each client that extends to successor NSA, that client has absolutely no obligation to use the services of purchaser.

So basically what you're paying for is a list of companies that seller works with. That seller has done their marketing and reaped the rewards. The best thing each one of us should do is market, Market, MARKET ... then MARKET some more. Smile

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Messages in this Thread
 Selling/Buying Notary Business - Mamacita/Wa on 7/2/24 11:45am
 Re: Selling/Buying Notary Business - Leo_FL on 7/3/24 7:49am
 Re: Selling/Buying Notary Business -  Cheryl Elliott on 7/3/24 8:16am
 Re: Selling/Buying Notary Business -  Yoli/CA on 7/3/24 12:14pm
 Re: Selling/Buying Notary Business - Mamacita/Wa on 7/3/24 1:01pm
 Re: Selling/Buying Notary Business - aanotary on 7/3/24 12:32pm
 Re: Selling/Buying Notary Business -  KimmyMD on 7/4/24 11:14am

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