I'm a new Texas notary. I joined through the AAN website and texasnotary.com. ALL of their material, training, exams, etc. says that when certifying a copy, the notary must personally make the copy. In addition, all of their Trodat stamps and printed certifications use the language "made by me" in reference to the copy. This is NOT correct. There is NO requirement in Texas law that the notary must make the copy. If a client brings you the copy with the original, you can closely examine them and then certify it. AAN's support and administration all said the notary must make the copy, but this is NOT true! If so, that means if somebody brings me a copy (with the original, of course) to certify, I'll have to refuse, because I didn't make the copy. If I do certify it, I can't use that "made by me" certification language on the Trodat stamp or letter, because it would be false. I don't know who else to go to with this. Can anyone help? Many thanks. |