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Re: The AAN is correct.
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 7/24/24 1:09pm Msg #648914
"The SOS is taxed with producing certificates that we are to use." Where does it say that in the law? Does the TX SOS have the power to adopt binding rules, following an official process that typically involves publishing drafts and holding public hearings, before adopting final rules? Did that happen? Is there a binding rule that says you have to use certificates produced by the SOS?

Some SOS offices publishes advice and best practices, which are not binding. Some of that advice and best practices is good, some not so much.
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Messages in this Thread
 Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Bella Tarubarova on 7/7/24 4:19pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Randy Reeves on 7/7/24 6:05pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - Osmigo on 7/7/24 7:09pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  JanetK_CA on 7/7/24 8:01pm
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 7:17am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:04am
 Interesting, VT -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 10:24am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:20am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 10:36am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents -  CPNS2006 on 7/8/24 8:14am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:39am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - VT_Syrup on 7/8/24 10:11am
 Re: Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:42am
 The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 9:20am
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 11:24am
 Re: The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/24/24 12:22pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 1:09pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - VT_Syrup on 7/24/24 1:20pm
 Re: The AAN is correct. - BrendaTx on 7/25/24 4:23pm

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