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Re: NNA Certification
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 7/29/24 4:12pm Msg #648942
Snapdocs isn't a signing agency, it's a platform which many signing agencies use to find & hire notaries. A few of the major title companies require either the NNA background check (BGC) or one from Stirling, so agencies that do work for those companies (e.g. the Fidelity group of companies) will require one of those two. [I don't know for sure, but some of them may not accept the BGC from Stirling, either.] It's also possible those agencies will only hire notaries with experience for assignments with those companies, so it's a bit of a coin toss.

As I've said here before, having the certification and BGC from NNA *may* keep some doors from closing, but it won't guarantee that doors will open. As you can tell from reading other posts on this forum (and even on this same page), business is very slow right now. Whether or not it's worth it for you right now is a question only you can answer, BUT one possibility to consider is to get some experience under your belt first, then go for it later.

In the meantime, you can go ahead and sign up for Snapdocs, at least I think so. (For the record, I choose to not work for companies that use that platform, as they usually are low-paying, lower rated companies.) I believe they have the option to use filters to select notaries for individual assignments, so you might come up for signings for other title companies in your area. If I'm wrong, I imagine someone here will correct me. Wink

Also, I strongly recommend you put together a profile for yourself for this site, which also has a directory of notaries. If your name shows up on someone's search, you want to give them some reason to hire you vs. someone else. [Please don't copy from anyone else. That usually gets figured out and leaves a bad taste all around. Not the kind of reputation you want to start your business with... Wink]

Finally, you may want to use the Find a Notary tab to search your city or zip to get an idea of the competition in your area. (Not everyone will be listed here, of course.) If there are a low number of notaries in the area you're willing to cover, it might be worth it to go ahead and get that certification now. [You don't have to buy their membership.]

Good luck!
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 NNA Certification - Tamara Saintonge on 7/29/24 2:08pm
 Re: NNA Certification -  JanetK_CA on 7/29/24 4:12pm
 Re: NNA Certification - Tamara Saintonge on 7/29/24 7:49pm

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