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Posted by HOFF96734HI of HI on 9/12/24 8:13pm Msg #649248
DO NOT WORK WITH THIS COMPANY. I reached out to signing platform about BBS Notary - because I noticed the signing company zero'd out the signing fee because of the "scan lines" that were on the documents.

These scan lines were on the initial set of loan documents uploaded into platform. The first time I printed them I noticed the lines. I assumed the escrow company printed & then scanned the instead of
downloading directly from the lender & and then uploading into your
platform. Copy/scan ID number 0837_001 (S Metz Jul 22, 4:13 PM)

I reviewed the printed documents to make sure nothing was missing. The
second mortgage was missing the signature page & acknowledgement (pages 5 & 6).

I reached out to BBS Notary regarding the missing pages - Which is when BBS
Notary asked about the scan lines. I let them know, they were on the edges
of my paperwork. BBS requested escrow to upload new documents. Which turned out to be the exact same set - 0837_001 (1).pdf - (S Metz Jul 23,6:05 AM)

I printed the new documents. This is the SECOND SET OF LOAN DOCUMENTS printed. Signing copy & client copy. - which they didn't pay for the extra printing. BUT THEN AGAIN THEY DIDN'T PAY AT ALL.

The first set of documents were printed July 22 4:42 pm. Which I shredded.

I woke up at 5 am waiting for new the set of documents. Printed those new documents. I went to my 7 am closing - 35 minutes away. I completed the signing. AND scanned all the documents multiple times. (per the signing company's request)

BBS wanted me to go back and re-sign the entire loan. I let them know
"new documents (0837_001 (1).pdf) were exactly the same set as the night
before. So the same scan lines were on the documents. We went back and forth. I refused to go back out.

Unfortunately signing platform does not get involved when a notary completes a closing and a vendor doesn't pay. Even when the notes/comments clearly show that the signing company was in the wrong.

I WOULD NOT WORK WITH BBS NOTARY - I wish I would've Googled them prior. It appears they've done this to other notaries.
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 In SC as Bullis Business Services, 2.5 stars - Bad news! -  JanetK_CA on 9/13/24 12:43am

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