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Re: Signings in South Florida
Posted by  Doris_CO of CO on 9/16/24 9:30pm Msg #649277
Welcome to NotaryRotary Tanya. NotaryRotary is a listing site that signing services and title companies use to find notaries. It's sot of like a LinkedIn account. It is not a platform that sends out offers for signings. Make sure you fill out your information, like a resume, so signing services and title companies know what you can and cannot do, as they look for a notary to contact for their business. When a company does call you for business, (and, yes, it still happens occasionally), ask them where they found your listing.
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Messages in this Thread
 Signings in South Florida - Tanya Luciano on 9/16/24 4:15pm
 Re: Signings in South Florida -  Doris_CO on 9/16/24 9:30pm
 Re: Signings in South Florida - Pamela/CA on 9/17/24 10:09am
 Re: Signings in South Florida -  JanetK_CA on 9/18/24 12:16am
 Re: Signings in South Florida -  Bee_CA on 9/18/24 1:47pm
 NR is a Directory (list) of NSAs. Not a hiring platform. - Lee/AR on 9/18/24 8:56am

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