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Re: Signings in South Florida
Posted by Pamela/CA of CA on 9/17/24 10:09am Msg #649278
All due respect, Doris, NotaryRotary, as far as I know being a member for the last 20 years, is NOT a site created for Title/Lender to find credentialed Notary Signing Agents. This is a Membership group of working and retired professional notaries to share information among other SA's, about our business, Clients, regulations, types of signings, non-paying signing service companies and explanations regarding ever increasing new forms added to a Signing package.
That has been the primary purpose of NotaryRotary. NNA's is where most Title/Broker/Lender go to search for and verify credentials of, Signing Agents..... and of course, there are other Notary Membership organizations who provide that as well.
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Messages in this Thread
 Signings in South Florida - Tanya Luciano on 9/16/24 4:15pm
 Re: Signings in South Florida -  Doris_CO on 9/16/24 9:30pm
 Re: Signings in South Florida - Pamela/CA on 9/17/24 10:09am
 Re: Signings in South Florida -  JanetK_CA on 9/18/24 12:16am
 Re: Signings in South Florida -  Bee_CA on 9/18/24 1:47pm
 NR is a Directory (list) of NSAs. Not a hiring platform. - Lee/AR on 9/18/24 8:56am

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