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Re: 1003 initials
Posted by KimmyMD of MD on 11/3/24 6:14am Msg #649581
There was only one name as you mentioned, but………….the title company had me make a separate
Trip back to the home to have him initial. When I question the title company, I was reprimanded for telling her how to do her job and what the lender wanted. The borrower did initial because it was a purchase and he didn’t want to risk anything.
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Messages in this Thread
 1003 initial - KimmyMD on 10/31/24 5:58am
 Re: 1003 initial - SteveS/CA on 10/31/24 9:19am
 Re: 1003 initials -  Yoli/CA on 10/31/24 11:31am
 Re: 1003 initials - SteveS/CA on 10/31/24 2:57pm
 Good point! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 10/31/24 3:04pm
 Re: 1003 initials - KimmyMD on 11/3/24 6:14am
 Re: 1003 initials -  Yoli/CA on 11/3/24 10:29am
 Re: 1003 initial -  JanetK_CA on 10/31/24 12:33pm
 Re: 1003 initial -  Doris_CO on 11/1/24 12:35am
 Re: 1003 initial - KimmyMD on 11/3/24 5:54pm
 Re: 1003 initial - Bear900/CA on 11/13/24 8:51pm

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