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Re: ANYONE else having this problem
Posted by SteveS/CA of CA on 11/20/24 11:13amMsg #649671
I have not experienced any problems with Signature Closers payments (which now go through Stewart Title). In fact, I get an early morning notice from Stewart Title and then get a late afternoon notice from Signature Closers when the payment is actually made. Kind of an overkill, but whatever. I've been paid on time so far, pretty much like clockwork.
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Messages in this Thread
 ANYONE else having this problem - aanotary on 11/20/24 11:00am
 Re: ANYONE else having this problem - SteveS/CA on 11/20/24 11:13am
 Re: ANYONE else having this problem - aanotary on 11/20/24 11:17am
 Re: ANYONE else having this problem - SteveS/CA on 11/20/24 2:39pm
 Re: ANYONE else having this problem - pdl/cali on 11/20/24 8:13pm
 Hmm. Pay has always been 20-30 days for me. n/m - Lee/AR on 11/20/24 11:33am
 Re: Hmm. Pay has always been 20-30 days for me. - aanotary on 11/20/24 11:38am
 Re: Hmm. Pay has always been 20-30 days for me. - SteveS/CA on 11/20/24 2:50pm
 Yep. A few days late & counting this month. n/m - Lee/AR on 11/26/24 6:34am

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