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Re: Jury Duty summons -- What would you do?
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 12/4/24 4:26pm Msg #649761
That's a question only you can answer. What would you do if you accepted a loan signing then were requested by the court to appear? (If direct work, is there someone you could refer it to in a pinch?) On the other hand, if you get a request for GNW that might be flexible on date, perhaps you could discuss it with them. Lots of variables, of course, and it may depend on who it is that wants to hire you.

Kudos to you, though, for taking jury duty seriously. I served on a jury many years ago and it was a fascinating experience I believe everyone should have, if possible, at least once. I learned a great deal about our judicial system and increased my faith in how it works. Very early in my notary career, though, I asked to be excused once because of self-employment. I haven't received a jury summons since. Didn't expect that, but I'm not complaining... Wink

Worst case, you'll be free the week before Christmas... I'd bet you'll have no trouble finding things to do! Wink

On a similar note, I happened to see something yesterday seeking people to apply for serving on a Grand Jury for one year. I thought *that* would be really interesting - but I wouldn't want to commit myself to a full time schedule any more, and I bet the pay is pretty minimal.
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Messages in this Thread
 Jury Duty summons -- What would you do? -  Yoli/CA on 12/4/24 10:41am
 Re: Jury Duty summons -- What would you do? - SteveS/CA on 12/4/24 3:11pm
 Re: Jury Duty summons -- What would you do? -  JanetK_CA on 12/4/24 4:26pm
 Re: Jury Duty summons -- What would you do? - pdl/cali on 12/7/24 8:11pm
 Re: Jury Duty summons -- What would you do? - Lee/AR on 12/4/24 5:38pm
 My $.02 FWIW - Linda_H/FL on 12/4/24 10:34pm
 Re: My $.02 FWIW -  Yoli/CA on 12/5/24 7:48am
 Re: Jury Duty summons -- What would you do? -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/5/24 10:02am

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