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Re: vetting signing agency
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 12/8/24 1:31pm Msg #649796
If I'm unfamiliar with the company but I like what "blast offer" terms indicate, I accept then vet that company. If I don't like what I then see, I'll return the assignment and tell them why.

I've done this at least a couple of times. One company tried to change my mind (or make excuses) by saying those negative posts were from disgrunted NSAs who had errors in the signing and had their fee dinged because of the errors that had to be corrected by another NSA. Another company simply unassigned me and went on to the next unsuspecting NSA.

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Messages in this Thread
 vetting signing agency - Jerry Kryska on 12/8/24 1:21pm
 Re: vetting signing agency -  Yoli/CA on 12/8/24 1:31pm
 Same as Yoli - Lee/AR on 12/9/24 4:10pm

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