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Same as Yoli
Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 12/9/24 4:10pm Msg #649805
If I have countered, I now have time to check 'em out. Inasmuch as they have no qualms about offering the same job to a bunch of notaries when only 1 will get it & all the rest have wasted their time, I do not feel I've done them any injustice by giving it back promptly if they turn out to be a less than stellar co.
These days, with all the 'lowball platform offers', you've GOT to counter--which gives the time needed to vet.
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Messages in this Thread
 vetting signing agency - Jerry Kryska on 12/8/24 1:21pm
 Re: vetting signing agency -  Yoli/CA on 12/8/24 1:31pm
 Same as Yoli - Lee/AR on 12/9/24 4:10pm

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