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Re: Fees
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 12/10/24 6:29pm Msg #649812
Great list. For any newer folks reading this, I'd add a couple of things to the list of what to confirm with borrowers (which Yoli probably does automatically).

1. Verify the address. Early in my career, I was once given an address in Newport Beach, which is where I was told the borrowers lived. When I showed up, no one was home. I lucked out with this one, though, because it turned out this was an investment property only blocks away from the owners home. I'm sure I'm not alone in also having received signing addresses with numbers transposed, city wrong, etc., etc. (I've also since found on numerous occasions that while the property was local, the borrowers lived somewhere else that was way outside of my coverage area - often even in a different state.)

2. Confirm all signers have adequate ID, which includes not expired and that it supports the name on the documents. Of course, these requirements will vary from state to state.

3. If the person I speak with has an accent, I confirm all signers speak a language I speak so I can communicate with them without need for translation (which as Yoli indicated, is prohibited in CA). I've run into an issue with this many times, where one person speaks good English and just figures they'll translate for their spouse. Of course, this needs to be delicately and respectfully handled. The need for this will vary from place to place, but in my area, there are lots of people from all over the world. (I was at Costco yesterday, and I think I heard more of other languages than I did English from the widely diverse mix of shoppers. Smile)

Bottom line, none of us wants to waste our time (not to mention risking delay of closing), and then possibly have to try to chase down payment from a client.
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Messages in this Thread
 Fees -  Leslie_Mo on 12/5/24 5:36pm
 Honestly, I'd just say No, but thanks for the offer. n/m - Lee/AR on 12/5/24 7:59pm
 Re: Fees -  Yoli/CA on 12/6/24 11:39am
 Re: Fees -  Leslie_Mo on 12/6/24 11:25pm
 Re: Fees -  Yoli/CA on 12/8/24 1:06pm
 Re: Fees -  JanetK_CA on 12/10/24 6:29pm
 Re: Fees - Mike Goodey on 12/17/24 3:43pm
 Re: Fees - SteveS/CA on 12/23/24 2:57pm

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