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Is business staring you in the face?
Posted by Bear900/CA of CA on 12/11/24 2:44pm Msg #649815
Yes! And all the time!

A scene from the movie Moneyball. Scott Hatteberg loses his ability to play as a catcher and feels it’s all over. He misses what’s staring him in the face and has what he feels is a good excuse.

What’s staring him in the face is his unique ability to GET ON BASE. He just needs to capitalize on it. Watch what happens. (true story)

Getting on base requires practice, guts, willingness and readiness to swing at any opportunity. Opportunities happen all the time. When marketing you’re playing the odds, so the odds need to be increased. Want to have some fun?

Create a situation that may cause some interaction like giving up a place in line. We get a thank you. Great start.

Wait for it….. “Are you local?” I get that response all the time. I often ask the same question.

“Yes, I am just down the street. Heres’ my card …” (and whatever else seems appropriate).

Consider it practice for actual cold calls to LOs and EOs.

Now, let’s go Rambo and get creative. You will need to trust your ability to talk to strangers. This is after all marketing. Here’s a fun scenario:

Last Friday, was date night for me and the Mrs. A great Italian place with some tourists but mostly locals. Chilly evening with outdoor heaters, patio dining, solo musician, outdoor bar. We sat at a small table next to a couple who were by themselves at a table for six. No one else was there. They had two heaters, and we had none. The husband was kind enough to roll over one of the heaters. We were very thankful.

“Are you from around here”, I asked?

Yes, just down the road, he said, and you?

“We are just the other way, but enjoy coming here,” I said.

He stood by our table and was very nice, subtle and talkative. His wife got up and tried to reel him back, but it turned out she was quite the chatter box herself. This is low-hanging fruit folks!

We got to know where they worked, exchanged information, except for my line of work, and discovered we knew someone in common. (In my head I had half a loan application)

Then he said they usually just show up and meet with ‘friends’ that didn’t come that night. This picture and the table for six didn’t take much to figure out. We exchanged names and said perhaps we will see them again next time.

We genuinely enjoyed meeting them but if you don’t think my marketing wheels were turning you be wrong. We are returning this Friday with some friends. Maybe we will see them?

What IF the wife was a notary? She would be talking to someone who uses one and her friendly personality had me sold.

I have had Loan Signers call on me that were very nice but didn’t follow-up and ASK for business.

Here’s a contrasting scenario: A young lady cold-called me and asked to join our mortgage association chapter. She was not an LO. She was a new rep in town for a wholesale lender and setting herself up to market us. She got our business and that of other brokers in our association by showing us the value of using her instead of competitors. You don’t have to join to occasionally show up at events and get in front of people. You can even schedule a few minutes to demonstrate your value.

Whether you call on an LO or an EO show your value. We’re in another bubble that’s HUGE. Now is the time to set yourself up to be remembered when everyone else is gone.
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 Is business staring you in the face? - Bear900/CA on 12/11/24 2:44pm

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