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Re: Marketing by Referral - question, Mr. Bear
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 12/15/24 10:54amMsg #649822
Would you say Marketing by Referral is akin to Networking?

When I first started in this business in 2006, I joined an international networking group in my area. It was comprised of people from all different industries -- from accounting to venetian blinds. It was interesting and informative. We met once a week very early in the morning, paid dues, exchanged introductions and experiences, had breakfast in between all discussion.

A few years later, I joined a California networking association for notaries. This was more in tune with what I needed at that time. We shared experiences and names of plausible hiring entities and when a hiring company needed someone in an area outside our service locale, we would refer them to whichever member covered that area. We met monthly via Skype and annually in person at different locations throughout the state. There was a lot of comaraderie. That was where I (thankfully) met some of the most seasoned NSAs on this 'site. We still refer business to each other when needed. Smile

If anyone is interested in Networking in their area, they can do a search for "networking for small business owners" or any variation thereof.

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Messages in this Thread
 Marketing by Referral - Bear900/CA on 12/9/24 10:43am
 You are a Marketing Athlete, Bear. -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/9/24 9:41pm
 Re: Marketing by Referral -  JanetK_CA on 12/9/24 10:16pm
 Re: Marketing by Referral -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/10/24 11:56am
 Re: Marketing by Referral - Bear900/CA on 12/11/24 2:54pm
 Re: Marketing by Referral - question, Mr. Bear -  Yoli/CA on 12/15/24 10:54am
 Re: Marketing by Referral - question, Mr. Bear - Bear900/CA on 12/16/24 1:16am

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