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Re: Fees
Posted by Mike Goodey of CA on 12/17/24 3:43pm Msg #649839
Yes, that happened to me years ago. The daughter answered the phone and said her parents were expecting me at such and such a time. I arrive and spoke to the husband and his wife came and said "Hi' and I asked for i.d.'s. Well the daughter tells the mom to get her i.d. out, so I stopped.
I explained that I need to communicate with both borrowers and since I couldn't fluently speak their language I would have to give it back to the hiring party and they would have to send out a notary who could speak to both mom and dad fluently. I called the hiring company rep and he gave me the riot act...couldn't believe I wouldn't continue, he has never had a problem with docs and on and on. I told him the California law, which he didn't care about, told me I would be black balled.
hmmm...been working for years! Obviously not with his company!!
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Messages in this Thread
 Fees -  Leslie_Mo on 12/5/24 5:36pm
 Honestly, I'd just say No, but thanks for the offer. n/m - Lee/AR on 12/5/24 7:59pm
 Re: Fees -  Yoli/CA on 12/6/24 11:39am
 Re: Fees -  Leslie_Mo on 12/6/24 11:25pm
 Re: Fees -  Yoli/CA on 12/8/24 1:06pm
 Re: Fees -  JanetK_CA on 12/10/24 6:29pm
 Re: Fees - Mike Goodey on 12/17/24 3:43pm
 Re: Fees - SteveS/CA on 12/23/24 2:57pm

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