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Update on XYZ
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 1/9/25 10:36am Msg #649937
Curious as to whether the XYZ was operating, I placed a call and had to wait for a call back. 20 minutes later, caller informed me their Chatsworth facility has no power - no power, no servers, no orders processed. She further informed me I should receive email within 24 hours to start my BGC and once that is completed and passed, THEN I'm to take the certification test. I always thought it was the other way around ... certification test first then submit info for BGC. So, I looked back on the NotRot posts. Sure enuff! 2023: it was test first then BGC.

Guess XYZ has changed their methodology. Anyway! Either way, I still have to wait for their power and servers to come back up so I can proceed.

Patience ...... Wink and prayers for all those affected by the SoCal fires.

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Messages in this Thread
 Renewal time again. Oh joy! [said sarcastically] -  Yoli/CA on 1/9/25 9:33am
 Update on XYZ -  Yoli/CA on 1/9/25 10:36am
 Re: Update on XYZ -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/9/25 11:28am
 Re: Update on XYZ - Sheryl/TX on 1/9/25 12:52pm
 Re: Update on XYZ -  JanetK_CA on 1/9/25 7:27pm
 Re: Update on XYZ - Sheryl/TX on 1/12/25 5:00pm
 Re: Update on XYZ -  JanetK_CA on 1/12/25 6:11pm
 Re: Renewal time again. Oh joy! [said sarcastically] - pdl/cali on 1/9/25 1:07pm
 Update on XYZ's BGC & certification -  Yoli/CA on 1/11/25 10:58am
 Re: Update on XYZ - Sheryl/TX on 1/12/25 5:15pm
 Loss of work is a vacation sometimes... n/m - Clem/CA on 1/14/25 7:04pm
 Aww man, In spite of the reminders I knew I forgot something - RickG/CA on 1/22/25 8:34am

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