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Re: Name order on California ID
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 1/9/25 7:20pm Msg #649950
What Yoli quoted above from our Handbook is the full extent of what our state law says on the issue, so your specific question (like so many other potential issues that could arise) is not directly addressed. It therefore becomes a judgment call, and Yoli's last question is what matters, IMO.

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Messages in this Thread
 Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 12:11pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  Yoli/CA on 1/9/25 1:17pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 1:26pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  JanetK_CA on 1/9/25 7:20pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - JustANotary on 1/9/25 10:10pm
 Re: Name order on California ID -  canotaryhere on 1/9/25 11:24pm
 Re: Name order on California ID - VT_Syrup on 1/10/25 9:06am
 Re: Name order on California ID - Ken/NoCal on 1/12/25 8:52pm

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